It’s 2020, and most of us have started to think about the tasks we put off through the holiday season. It’s easy to put those big jobs off, procrastinating until after the holidays. There are some things that it’s to put okay to put off until later, and some things work just fine to wait until January to take care of. On the other hand, there are some tasks that, if you’ve let them go this long already, are much better tackled in the warm summer months. Believe it or not, chimney sweeping is one of those jobs. Of course, every homeowner fortunate enough to have a fireplace in their home is well aware of the positive impacts of having your chimney inspected and cleaned on a regular basis. In fact, having this done on at least an annual basis is best. However, if you decided to wait until after the holidays to get this done, you’d be better off waiting until spring or summer to give us a call.
Problems With Winter Repairs
While it is entirely possible for Black Velvet Chimney to come and inspect your chimney any time, there are some things to consider. One of the things that we will be looking for is areas of major repair work that need to be completed, such as tuckpointing, in which the mortar between the bricks is removed and new mortar is placed to fortify your chimney structure. We might also find cracks in your chimney crown. These are a couple of areas of major repair, and both of these, as well as other major exterior repairs, are best undertaken during the warmer summer months. Mortar or cement both work better in the warmer weather. Mortar has certain water content, and if this freezes during the winter months, it will expand and cause an unstable chimney structure by causing cracks and fissures in the mortar.
Length of Repair Time
Another consideration is how long repair work will take. It may be that we do an inspection and cleaning and find minimal damage. On the other hand, it could well be that we do find areas that need repairs, especially if you’ve neglected having your chimney looked at. Remember that repair jobs that might not take as much time in the spring and fall might very easily take an extended time in the winter months because of weather or weather conditions. Are you willing to have your home open for an extended period of time, with repair workers going in and out during the cold winter months? During summer months, the repair work won’t take as long and we won’t be inconveniencing you by trekking in and out of your home or calling to set up times that work for us to come and do the repair work.
One of the jobs that we might want to do is to replace an ill-fitting or a cracked chimney liner. This is a job that requires extended time and requires that you not use your fireplace while the job is being done. If you love using your fireplace, we’re sure that you won’t want to give up using it during the cool winter months. Think about this before you decide to hire a chimney sweep company to start this major undertaking during the cooler winter months.
Hiring Qualified Sweeps
When looking for a chimney sweep company, you want to make sure that they are qualified. You might wonder what you should be looking for. One way to tell how qualified a chimney sweep company is is by checking out their years of service and their certifications. At Black Velvet Chimney, we’re proud to have been in business in the Dallas area for over twenty years, caring for our friends and neighbors and making sure that they are kept safe and sound all winter long as they use their fireplace. One way we make sure to only offer the best service available is by keeping up our certification with the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA). This is recognized as the highest certification in the industry and ensures that we have access to the best training and the best education offered and also gives us access to continued training and education. We are also certified by Certified Chimney Professionals, and Fireplace Investigation Research and Education Service. Taking advantage of these training and certifications, as well as others, ensures that you will be getting the best services available. We offer a wide range of services, from inspecting and cleaning to waterproofing and major repair work, and the training we undergo makes us the top company to call in the Dallas, Texas area.
If you are having trouble with your fireplace or chimney, you can rest assured that we will come in at any time and in any season to help you out. But keep in mind that if you’re looking to have a routine sweeping and inspection done, why not wait until spring or summer this time and then establish a yearly schedule based on that appointment? Our sweeps will give you top-notch service and you’ll be set for the full year, with no time-outs in your chimney use for repairs during the cool winter weather.
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